Please, DO NOT distribute any of my stuff in any website, EA website or specially any pay site.

DO NOT upload anything to other servers, if you have problems with Megaupload, email me and I kindly send you the stuff you want.

If you want to use a mesh (like paintings or posters), you should ask permission, give me the credits I deserve, put a link to my blogspot and let me know where you are going to upload them.

I spend a lot of time learning and making sims 3 things, that's why I like to have control of them, I think it's fair and every creator feels the same.

I'm not sure if when you share a sim in EA website, you download with all an his/her clothes, but if it doesn't, at least LINK ME.

Thank you.


Sasuke's Outfit


OMG! This took forever! I thought Naruto's Outfit was much more difficult, but I was wrong! I almost break my computer XD. I had to come back to the previous version of the TSR workshop, because the last one didn't let me do some stuff that the previous one let me, etc etc.

More Naruto's Outfit? God, I don't know, maybe not for a while, who knows? I mean, I'm stock, because I cannot find the right mesh to do some clothes, besides, the shadowing kills me,  drawing with the mouse, dude, itisn't a really good idea, my wrist hurts already and the results aren't as good as I would like to.

Maybe in the World Adventures game I'll find the right meshes, I'm looking for it already.

Anyway, hope you enjoy it, and let me know what you think, please.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Well, as I knew how to do them, it was faster this time. Here are Sasuke's "socks". Hope you like them.

The "bracelet" or "hand bandage", whatever you call them, will have to wait, they doesn't seem to be ok T_T.

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Here is Sasuke's Tshirt. Unfortunatly, I don't know how to create or change clothes meshes (TSR workshop doesn't accept more vertices than the original mesh, and CTU, well, I don't seem to understand it, not enough tuts out there :-( ), so, I couldn't do the top of the tshirt like Sasuke's. (Does  somebody know how to do it? I'm all ears, or does somebody have other options?).

Anyway, I think it looks cool anyway. Hope you like it!


Format: .sims3package

Genre: Male

Age: Teen

Type: Top/ Everyday-athletic-sleepwear

CASable: Yes (1 RGB channel [blue in the picture] )

- - -
(They are together)

Format: .package

Genre: Male

Age: Teen - Elder

Place: Accesories - Socks

Type: Everyday-athletic-sleepwear

CASable: Yes (2 RGB channels )

- - -

Format: .package

Genre: Male

Age: Teen

Type: Bottom/ Everyday-athletic-sleepwear

CASable: Yes (3 RGB channel [the bandage counts] )


Anonymous said...

do you will upload the boots anda the bracelets yes ? im ask just to relax my soul

Rakime said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rakime said...

Yes, I will, but I'm still testing them, not totally happy about them, that's why ^^

Anonymous said...

I agree with Anónimo upload this boots fast please

Anonymous said...

Yes upload upload upload upload uploa !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

the boots are perfect but if you do for adults too we will be glad with you

Anonymous said...

Could you do the shippuden version of sasuke

Anonymous said...

I need help when i download the t-shirt i only get a picture i don't get a ".package" file, please email me about this at or please tell me what to do about the shirt on the website

Anonymous said...

Megaupload is out, almost all of your download links are down, please upload to mediafire or just tell us where you get naruto stuff from, especialy the headbands. Please i´m really requiring it!

Anonymous said...

I really wish these wonderful items would be re-uploaded!

~ Gena

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