Please, DO NOT distribute any of my stuff in any website, EA website or specially any pay site.

DO NOT upload anything to other servers, if you have problems with Megaupload, email me and I kindly send you the stuff you want.

If you want to use a mesh (like paintings or posters), you should ask permission, give me the credits I deserve, put a link to my blogspot and let me know where you are going to upload them.

I spend a lot of time learning and making sims 3 things, that's why I like to have control of them, I think it's fair and every creator feels the same.

I'm not sure if when you share a sim in EA website, you download with all an his/her clothes, but if it doesn't, at least LINK ME.

Thank you.


Jounin's Outfit


Here are the gloves, they come with the "metallic" part (Ah, dunno remeber how it's called right now) and without it.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Finally I was able to finish this! The multiplier gave me a headache, really! I kinda love the jounin jackets for The Sims 2 so I tried to make it alike. (I guess I'll always envy the ones who had been able to play it and all the expansion packs XD T_T).

I'm happy, now my Kakashi sim doesn't look that bad. Hope you enjoy it! And let me know what you think about it.

God, I'm getting kinda sick of making clothes, wanna make some objects I have in mind! Hope s3pe, s3co and tsr workshop update a version compatible with WA soon T_T.


Format: .package
Genre: Male
Age: YA - Adult
Type: Top / Everyday - Formal - Athletic
CASable: Yes (2 RGB channels)

- - - - - - - - - -


Format: .package
Genre: Male
Age: Teen to Elder
Type: Accesories / Everyday - Formal - Athletic
CASable: Yes (1 RGB channel)

Jacket    /   Gloves 

Mirror   /   Mirror


Anonymous said...

im your fan !!!!!

Anonymous said...

are those pants in the new sims?

Rakime said...

Yes, I think they are called the Kung fu pants, or something like that ^^u

Rakime said...

AH no, sorry, I didn't read all. They are from the store, compatible with base game

Anonymous said...

Can you make kakashi's make out paradise or make out tactics book?

Rakime said...

You know, I've been trying to do those books since I start meshing and I just couldn't, cuz I wanted to make them readable. I guess I'll give it a shot with the new tools. ^^

Anonymous said...

hey nice gloves i want them

Anonymous said...

it's nice!!!!^^are you doing the Akatsuki outfit?

Rakime said...

I'm trying ^^u

Anonymous said...

I'm eager to see that!^^:p ( i love your work...i know it's not appropriate(sorry for my english) but are you on site thesims3?...i'm so your sorry for the inappropriate question...thanks! and good job!:p

Rakime said...

(hablas español? =P) Yeah, I'm in the sims 3 website, but I don't get online there at all I guess XD.

I'm glad you like my work ^^

Anonymous said...

Ho nice!!!^^i love so much naruto and you do great job!:p all of my perso of naruto is creat with your outfit! u.u i dream to find someday the outfit of akatsuki! continu your so great!:p( are you best in french or in because my english is not so for the importunate^^:p arigato!

Rakime said...

English or French are the same for me in understanding. in writing, hum, I get stucj sometimes with french, but not a big deal, I need to practice anyway (I'm forgetting it!!! T_T) So, if you want to talk in French, not problem with me

Anonymous said...

ok super:p^^je crois que tu risque mieux de me comprendre comme ça!^^ je pose la question vue que tu es au Mexique! et je me demandais pour toi c'étais quoi qui est le plus compliquer...:p mais je crois que tu risque mieux de me comprendre comme ça en tout cas!XD j'admire énormément ton travaille et comme j'ai dit plus haut pas mal tout mes sims sur le site sont fait avec tes outfits^^ J'aime vraiment et j'espère que tu vas continuer!^^ et si tu veux tu jamais tu as le temps...XD d'aller voir ton merveilleux travaille sur le site des sims 3!^^tk lâche pas! tu es vraiment douer!

Rakime said...

Oui, je suis du Mexique, mais j'ai etudié l'anglais, le français et le japonais (mais je me rapelle rien XD)

Etto, j'ai un question. Tu es Nogoyaka?

Anonymous said...

waw le japonais je suis impressionner!O.O c'est fou ça!¬.¬ moi je suis fier de moi quand je me souviens d'un mot en japonais ou quand je fais un phrase en anglais!lol:p décidément tu as plusieurs talent tu as de la chance j'espère au moins que tu le sais!XD

Anonymous said...

Is there any chance of you making a Zabuza or Neji outfit?

Rakime said...

Yeah, just need more time ^^

Anonymous said...

This is awesome, thank you!

Anonymous said...

I like tou soooooo much. I love naruto and making the sims version of them but I cant mod for crap. Do you have a google account. Once i make one I will give it to you. Im a boy, dont take the first sentence the wrong way.

Anonymous said...

You are awesome!!!! These clothes are great!

Anonymous said...

♫♫♫ Good job :D i like it very much
ahm....and one thing.... could you make more naruto character's :X
i like your work really hehhe ♫♫♫
♣( parce que naruto est mon anime préféré super xD)♣

~thank you rakime-kun♥o♥

Anonymous said...

I freaked love you no homo! You create the most epic kind of stuff! Keep at it and don't give up! You have a lot of fans! Thank you so much!
~Yuki Hatake (aka Yuki Amaterasu)

Nicole Martin said...

You are awesome!!!! These clothes are great!

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